Why Fighting Makes Divorces More Costly

Divorce is a challenging chapter in many people’s lives, and it can be made more difficult and expensive when the couple fights during the process. Learn below about how fighting with your spouse will make your divorce more expensive. Then, if you have questions about your case, our Schaumburg divorce lawyers at Law Office of Fedor Kozlov can address them. Mr. Kozlov will champion your goals during the divorce process and try to make things as hassle-free and affordable as possible.
What Does An Illinois Divorce Cost?
Illinois couples concerned with the cost of divorce are right to worry. Illinois divorces can be expensive, with an average cost of approximately $14,000. If you add disputes over parenting time, alimony, and child support, the divorce could cost $30,000, $40,000, or more. The cost will largely depend on the case’s complexity and whether the spouses are fighting.
Fighting With Your Spouse Will Make Divorce Expensive
Divorces differ in many ways, but if you fight with your spouse, it is virtually guaranteed to cost you more. Disagreeing about important divorce matters, such as child custody, child support, and property division, will cause you to spend much more on billable attorney hours.
You could face tens of thousands in attorney fees if you fight with your spouse. Most divorce attorneys bill per hour and may want a retainer fee. When you add these costs up in a contested divorce, it can get expensive. If the case goes to court, you must pay your lawyer even more. There also could be deposition costs, service fees, and additional expert expenses.
When the parties can agree on significant issues, you may even be able to have a flat-fee divorce. The attorney can prepare a divorce agreement for a flat fee. This is a faster way to get a divorce and is usually less costly.
How Can You Reduce The Cost Of An Illinois Divorce?
Fighting with your spouse may lead you to divorce, and fighting during the process will increase the cost. So, how can you reduce the cost of the divorce? Overall, do not fight with your ex over issues you disagree on. Law Office of Fedor Kozlov has handled many expensive divorces, and there are several reliable ways to minimize divorce expenses:
Settle Complex Issues Outside Of Court
The best way to slash the cost of your divorce is to settle complicated issues outside the courtroom. After all, your attorney bills at hundreds of dollars per hour. Staying out of court will lower these hours.
Naturally, this is easier said than done! Divorce is often traumatic for both parties, and you may be angry and sad and take it out on your partner. However, if the spouses can put aside their negative feelings and avoid fighting, the court may not have to be heavily involved. Then, it will be less expensive.
Agreeing on significant issues like alimony and child custody will reduce the court’s involvement in your case and lower costs. If you and your spouse can cease fighting during the divorce, you might even opt for an uncontested divorce. This is a much less expensive choice.
Be Straight With Your Divorce Attorney
Another effective strategy to reduce divorce costs is to be honest with your lawyer. Nothing makes a divorce cost faster than your attorney getting a surprise in court. If you do not share everything with your lawyer from the start, they must spend billable hours searching for facts. When you are honest about everything, the costs will drop.
Remember, covering up negative information will not make the facts disappear. You will have to pay your divorce attorney more for the time to discover them.
Be Ready To Make A Deal
Almost every divorce involves hurt feelings and anger. These negative emotions are understandable but can close your eyes to the expenses and lead to bad decisions. For example, you should not fight with your ex about every aspect of the divorce. Some feel better by punishing their ex during the process, but it will cost more.
Even if you disagree with the other party about important issues, there are effective ways to reduce costs. A great strategy is to use mediation to resolve major disputes. Divorce mediation involves a neutral third party working with both sides to resolve contentious issues.
Furthermore, think about your priorities. What is worth a fight, and what should you let go? For instance, if you live with the kids most of the time, asking for the family home may be worth it. After all, it is usually preferable not to uproot the children. If you get the marital home, your ex could get another asset of similar value. As the saying goes, “Pick your battles.”
Obey The Judge
It will be expensive to return to court so the judge can enforce a court order. You will need to pay for your and your ex’s legal fees. You should always obey the judge even if you dislike the court’s decision. It will cost you less every time.
Get Back To Your Lawyer
You and your attorney will be in regular contact. If your lawyer calls or emails and wants a particular piece of information, get it to them as soon as possible. If you delay, it will slow the process and add legal fees.
Your Lawyer Is Not A Psychiatrist
Always feel free to talk to your lawyer about a divorce legal matter. However, whatever the discussion is regarding, you will be charged for the time. It is not a good use of your money to talk to your lawyer about your psychological state or to vent about your spouse. It is fine to discuss these matters, but you should not do so with your attorney. Instead, rely on a licensed therapist, relative, or close friend.
Speak To Our Schaumburg Divorce Lawyer Today
If you follow the advice mentioned above, you could make your divorce shorter and less costly. Also, having an experienced divorce litigator in your corner can improve the outcome. For sincere and sound legal advice, speak to our Schaumburg divorce lawyers at Law Office of Fedor Kozlov at (847) 241-1299.