Important Steps to Take After your Divorce has been Finalized
Thoroughly Review the Divorce Decree
This may seem like an obvious thing to do, but many people do not even bother to look at the divorce judgment the second time, assuming that they already know what’s in it. It is easy to forget little details about your responsibilities and obligations after the divorce, such as deadlines, amount of alimony or child support, and others. You should make a list of all important aspects of the divorce decree and write down deadlines on the calendar so that you are able to meet all your obligations in a timely manner to avoid any legal actions from your spouse later.
Adjust your Health Insurance Plan
If you are covered under your spouse’s health insurance plan, you should consider obtaining your own policy after divorce. Health insurance companies have strict deadlines, and if you miss it, you can end up living without any coverage for months. On the other hand, if your ex-spouse is on your health insurance, you should inform your carrier about the change in your marital status, and have their name removed from your policy.
Notify your Employer about your Divorce
Some aspects of the divorce are related with your employment. For example, your former spouse may be named under beneficiaries of the company’s medical plan, and they can take advantage of it if your employer is not aware of your divorce. Moreover, the dissolution of marriage may require the separation of your retirement accounts. You should provide details to your employer in order to set the process of transferring retirement finds in motion. Finally, you should inform company’s payroll department about your divorce, as it will affect your tax status too.
Close all Joint Bank Accounts and Credit Cards
In most marriages, couples open one or more joint bank accounts where they keep their savings. Since your divorce has been finalized and marital property has been divided, you should ask the bank to close all such accounts so that your former spouse cannot make any transactions from it. Moreover, notify your credit card company about your new single status, and that your spouse is no longer an authorized user of your credit cards.
Going through a divorce is an emotionally, mentally, and physically draining process. However, you need to save some of your strength and take care of all of these tasks before you can plan for your life ahead. For more information regarding post-divorce activities, contact the Law Office of Fedor Kozlov, P.C. today at (847) 241-1299 to schedule a free initial consultation with our experienced divorce attorney.