Getting A Divorce After A Long Marriage and How it Affects Spousal Maintenance In Illinois
If you believe your marriage is headed towards a breakdown – despite spending years trying to make things work – you should familiarize yourself with the Spousal Maintenance Law, section 504 of the Illinois Dissolution of Marriage Act. From 2019 moving forward, there was a change in the formula the court uses to calculate spousal maintenance, which has to do with the length of your marriage. The new formula is as follows.
How Alimony Is Calculated In Illinois
Yearly maintenance = (33 percent of the net income of the payer) – (25 percent of the net income of the payee).
According to the spousal support law, maintenance funds cannot cause one spouse to earn more than 40 percent of the combined income of the couple’s income.
The length of the spousal support maintenance in the state is determined by the length of the marriage. For example, if you have been married less than five (5) years, you have to pay maintenance for two (2) years and if you have been married for more than five (5) years but less than 10 years, maintenance payments have to be made for four (4) years. If your marriage lasted more than 15 years, but less than 20 years, payments must be made for eight (8) years.
A divorce attorney can help you determine how much should be paid, depending on the exact duration of your marriage. Whether you are the recipient or the payer in this case, an attorney can help you make an informed decision that is in your, as well as your family’s best interest. Before you start your new, independent life, get this complex issue resolved first.
If you are searching for a divorce attorney in Schaumburg, Illinois, get in touch with the professionals at the Law Office of Fedor Kozlov today. Place your case in competent hands and receive sound and experienced legal advice for your case. Schedule a consultation with one of our dedicated attorneys and evaluate your legal options with the best legal representative you can get. We will strive to understand the reasons behind the dissolution of the marriage and make the proceedings as hassle-free as possible for your peace of mind.